Revisiting Ogori/Magongo’s Continuing Quest for Federal House of Representatives Seat

Otori Ozigi

Time to end this conscienceless and inhuman marginalization.

By Otori Ozigi

If there is any minority tribe in Nigeria today, that I hold in high esteem and reverence, because of their inestimable contributions to humanity, knowledge, peaceful political evolution, pious lifestyle, culture and tourism, the good people of Ogori/Magongo in Kogi State, would definitely come top of the pecking order.

The people of that smallest local government area in the entire country, are simply among the best breed of human beings that God ever created.

They are small in size but mighty in all human endeavors. They are among the best accomplished professionals in the country today. The academia, engineers, journalists, accountants, lawyers, teachers, career civil servants and members of the Armed forces of Nigeria, including the paramilitary.

Under this democratic dispensation, they have demonstrated the best political culture and character that is lacking in most communities.

The community is not among the listed black spots in Kogi State during electioneering periods.

But paradoxically, the good people of that community are the most marginalized set of politicians in Ebira politics today.

Time without numbers, they have been denied representation to the federal house of representatives under Okene/Ogori/Magongo federal constituency.

The people of Okene local government have been lording it over them because of their majority status.

Viewed against this background therefore, it is pertinent for all people of good conscience in Okene local government to say enough is enough and put an end to this circle of marginalization, come 2027 political dispensation.

Let the conversation begin now.

Ogori/Magongo political class must breath. They deserve a seat in the Federal House of Representatives.

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