Life’s Lesson I Learnt from Doctor Who Saved My Mother’s Life 27 Years Ago -Ododo

Ododo and Olayemi

Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo of Kogi State is one of the lucky men his age that can still boast of living mothers. But that would not have been without the benevolence of a medical doctor that took it upon himself many years ago to save the life of Ododo’s mother at a point she was only a whispering distance away from the grave.

It was in 1997 when the then poor woman fell sick and all hope seemed lost as her blood level dipped to a paltry 19 per cent. Ododo, then only a secondary school student, as well as his siblings were helpless as they had no way of raising the money needed for their mother’s treatment at Olayemi’s private hospital at Ateba, Agassa, Okene Local Government Area, Kogi State.

Then came help from the least expected quarters. While doctors are known to be strict when it comes to advanced payment for the treatment of patients, the proprietor of the hospital, Dr. Ayo Olayemi, took it upon himself to give Ododo’s mother the needed treatment and rescue his mother from the jaw of death.

Dr. Olayemi’s remarkable gesture about 27 years ago became one of the highlights of the flag off ceremony of the distribution of medical equipment/consumables to health facilities in Kogi State in Lokoja, the state capital last week as Governor Ododo caught sight of Olayemi, the current Chief Medical Director of Kogi State Hospitals Management Board, Lokoja.

An emotional Ododo was virtually in tears as he sang the praise of the man that gave him one of life’s most cherished gifts at the occasion.

Governor Ododo said: “My mother is still alive today because of you (Olayemi). I don’t know how to appreciate you. What you did to save my mother’s life is a thing that will linger in my mind for a lifetime.

“Dr. Olayemi’s actions did not only save my mother’s life, it also instilled hope and gratitude in our family.

“His selflessness and expertise did not only restore our faith in humanity, it also serves as a testament to the power of kindness and the importance of accessible health care.

“This event was in his private hospital at Ateba, Agassa.

“I will always be grateful for his help and inspired by his example to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

Ododo, whose voice trembled with emotion as he spoke, said he feels like crying each time he sets his eyes on the medical doctor.

Reacting to Governor Ododo’s eulogy, Dr. Olayemi said he had forgotten about the gesture before he was reminded of it by the governor.

He said: “Honestly, until the governor recalled the incident, I did not remember because I had extended such gestures to countless people.

“By my training, it is about saving life first, not monetary consideration.

“When the governor recalled that particular incident, it came back fresh like yesterday.

“For all the years that I had related with him in government, it never for once crossed my mind that he was that young boy whose mother was rushed into my clinic more than 25 years ago.

“I am happy that Mama is still alive.

“It is even more heart-warming that my little gesture went a long way to keep her alive, and most importantly, that the gesture is still being appreciated.”


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