How Security Agents Attached to Okene LG’s Amoka Molested Me, Broke My Head – Radio Presenter


Some security officers attached to the convoy of Okene Local Government Chief of Staff, Zubair Amoka on Saturday assaulted a Radio Presenter popularly known in the town as Adayi Ohida for not swiftly parking off their front.

The victim, Ohida who works with Radio Kogi Otite, recounted the sad event to, stating that he was conscious of pedestrians and motorcyclists while trying to find a good spot to park, when the security men blocked his car and molested him.


“I was on the wheel when a sienna bus packed with security personnel was forcing me out of the road to double up with Hilux Van which is ahead of them, because they just bursted out from the road leading to DE-Villa hotel. The road was full of traffic and I couldn’t do otherwise because if I must step out of the road the way they were pushing me, I will hit an okada man riding beside me and I will cause an accident, which I didn’t want to do.

“Immediately I slowed down for them to move ahead of me, they moved and parked in front of me. My explanation never made sense to them, instead they descended on me and started beating me. After breaking my head, my clothes was covered with blood. And it took good samaritans and my aged mother I was taking to the market to get me out of their grip,” he explained.

He said eye witnesses immediately put calls through to his office, and the radio station had to put him on air to sue for calm and assure of his safety.

The Presenter who was distraught when he spoke with our correspondent, said Amoka asked his Secretary to take him for treatment, with claims that the security agents acted in that manner because of the security threats in town.

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