‘Reject Deputy Governorship Offer’ – ODA President Tells Kogi West Politicians 

The President-General of Okun Development Association (ODA), Femi Mokikan has appealed to politicians from Kogi West Senatorial District to reject offers to deputize any governorship candidate for the election in the state. 

Mokikan said this in a statement of appeal to the politicians whom according to him, were already strategically positioning for deputy governorship slot, amidst clamor for powershift to the west.

The President in his statement noted that unlike the Governor of a state, the Deputy Governor has no constitutional responsibility and role to the state, unless delegated by the Chief Executive Officer.

He said: “Again the question arises, what is the constitutional responsibility of the role of Deputy Governor created by the constitution? The short and direct answer is that so long as the Governor is alive and not incapacitated the Deputy Governor’s role is limited to what the Governor delegates to him to be responsible for. Bear in mind, the constitution does not compel the Governor to delegate any responsibility to his Deputy.

“The Deputy Governor can only function at the pleasure of the Governor. This must be very frustrating for those who hold this office. I wish it was possible to do a survey amongst all the past and serving Deputy Governors on the level of their job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

“The result of such a survey should be very interesting. Sadly, some of the people invited to serve in that capacity either by the Governor himself or by his party, are some of the best brains in their parties. Yet they are in office for eight years with all the glamour and perquisite of office, frustrated, disillusioned, and wasted. Of course, the society looks at them, believing they are up there, whereas they are the only ones that can explain what they are going through. Very many of them are unable to influence any meaningful projects for the benefit of their people.

Femi Mokikan Okun Development Association (ODA)

“How many Deputy Governors have taken over from their bosses as successors? That speaks volumes. There was the case of one Deputy who openly confessed that if there was a global award for the most idle Deputy in the whole world, that he would beat his closest challenger with a very wide margin.”

Mokikan stated that it is time for the Okun people to sit at the head of the table as Governor, urging the people to avoid the temptations associated with the slot of Deputy Governor.

“If anyone is approached, please think deeply of your tomorrow and the future of your children and let the overall interest of Okun people on this matter guide you in turning down the offer. Happily enough, it is on record that some of the principle-driven people approached in the East senatorial district for the Deputy Governorship slot turned it down. We can do so too.

“I am aware that our individual rights and freedom of choice is guaranteed in our constitution, and so no one can enforce a ban on anyone from Okun and Kogi West from accepting to be Deputy Governor, particularly with all the tangible and intangible benefits of the office and the potential the office holds for the transformation of one’s personal and immediate family life.

“If you are only interested in short term gratification, the appeal may not mean much to you. But if you are in pursuit of noble causes and you think of the future of your children and the physical and psychological environment around them now and in future, you will not mind deferring immediate gratification for long-term, comprehensive and enduring rewards and values.

“I know this is a tough one. It is doable. God will remember and reward your personal sacrifice for the sake of your people,” he added.

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