Poverty at Alarming Rate in Kogi – Workers Lament 

Kogi State map

Workers in Kogi State, on Monday, joined their counterparts to comply fully with the Organized Labour’s directive to embark on a nationwide strike over the new national minimum wage.

Reporters who monitored the level of compliance in Kogi State observed that, the monitoring team of both, the Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC), and Trade Union Congress, (TUC) where all out to enforce compliance of banks, petroleum stations, government ministries and parastatals within the State capital, Lokoja.

It was further gathered that, roads were partially deserted in Lokoja as leaders of Tricycle Owners Association of Nigeria, (TOAN) and Motorcycle Organisation Association of Nigeria, (MOAN) instructed their members in the early hours of the day not to work in solidarity with the nationwide strike.

At the Federal Teaching Hospital, Lokoja, the Chief Medical Director, Doctor Olatunde Alabi appealed to members of the enforcing team to give the health Institution time to wind down in view of critical situation of some of thier patients.

Some Managers of filling stations who spoke to journalists under the condition of anonymity expressed support for the action of the Organized Labour, noting that, the suffering of many Nigerians have been taken to another level by the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led federal government.

In the same vein, some Civil Servants who never wanted their names to be mentioned because they were not authorized to speak to the press all registered their disappointment at the actions of the Federal and State Governments for not agreeing on a living wage with the Organized Labour.

“This Government of Ahmed Bola Tinubu has succeeded in impoverishing many Nigerians for no reasons. We thought electing the former Lagos State Governor will bring fresh air for Nigerians after the Buhari government took us 10 step backward. Many families today in Nigeria could hardly survive on three square meal due to high cost of living.

“If the Government thinks the current minimum wage is sufficient for Nigeria workers in view of the current economic reality, let the President, Senators, House of representatives members and other lawmakers received the same wage like Nigerian Workers. Let us see if they will survive it. What we can see here is pure wickedness from our elected representatives who keep governing us for their own selfish interest” they lamented.

Speaking to journalists on the ongoing strike, the Chairman of the enforcement team who also doubles as the Deputy State Chairman, Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Comrade Opaluwa Eleojo said the actions of Labour will be sustained until government bows to the clarion call of Nigerians who are suffering and dying of hunger.

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