Clove Water For Hair Growth: Benefits and How to Use it 

The Nigerians popularly call it by its Hausa name, Kanafari, and no doubts, with a few sprinkle of this miracle clove spice-infused water can remarkably bring about hair growth and reduce fall.

If you have been searching for one remedy that takes care of all your hair needs, we suggest you try clove water for your hair. Clove is commonly used as a healthy spice in different culinary preparations. However, you may not know that it combats hair fall and other scalp conditions as well – and it is an ayurvedic spice that is readily available, affordable, and suitable for most hair types.

In this article, we simply appraise the numerous benefits of clove water for hair, its potential side effects, and the different ways to use it. Keep reading.

What Is Clove Water?

Clove water is an infusion prepared by boiling cloves in hot water. This simple technique of hydrodistillation helps transfer the bioactive compounds from the spice to the water, making it suitable for therapeutic use.

Clove water is rich in eugenol that lends it its antimicrobiali properties (2). Its phenolic acid and flavonoid content make it a powerful antioxidant remedy that may be beneficial for your hair (3). Let us scroll down to the next section to see how clove water works for your hair.

How Does Clove Water Work For Hair?

Factors like age, scalp infections, poor nutrition, and exposure to environmental aggressors can slow down hair growth. Clove water is rich in phytonutrients like eugenol that nourish, strengthen, and revitalize dormant follicles and promote new hair growth. Cloves can also protect the scalp from dandruff and fungal infections that contribute to hair loss.

Did You Know?

Cloves were first brought into India by the East India Company in the 1800s. They have since been used for treating dental, dermatological, and hair conditions.

Clove water provides a host of benefits. Let us scroll down to the next section to see what they are.

Explained: The Seven Benefits Of Clove Water For Hair

1. May Stimulate Hair Growth

Clove water may help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. In studies, clove oil in emu oil emulsion had exhibited anti-hair loss properties and stimulated hair growth. Another study suggests that gallic acid (a phenolic acid in cloves) may activate genes that regulate hair growth.

2. Prevents Oxidative Stress

Stress, pollution, sun exposure, smoking, and irregular sleeping and eating habits contribute to the production of free radicals in the body. Research suggests a strong association between oxidative stressi and alopecia. Clove is rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants that may lower oxidative stress-related hair loss.

3. Treats Dandruff

Overproduction of the Malassezia yeast is the primary cause of dandruff. The antifungal properties of clove may help combat dandruff. Anecdotal evidence suggests that its astringent properties can reduce oil production on the scalp, while its anti-inflammatory properties can prevent itchiness and scalp irritation.

4. Prevents Scalp Infections and Foul Odor

Cloves for hair growth Kanafari

Excessive sweating, fungal conditions, or improper scalp hygiene can lead to infections and foul odor on the scalp. The antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties of clove water help treat scalp conditions like folliculitisi and ringworm. So, the refreshing aroma of clove water leaves your scalp feeling clean and fresh all day.

5. Treats Head Lice

Clove has been used in Indian households for centuries to treat head lice.

According to research conducted on head lice collected from 51 volunteers, a formulation made of clove oil diluted in sunflower oil successfully eliminated 90% of the lice within 2 hours.

6. Improves Hair Strength & Texture

Anecdotal evidence suggests that cloves are a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and K and antioxidants that may help strengthen the hair shaft and minimize breakage.

7. May Prevent Premature Graying

Oxidative stress can affect the melanin production in your hair, leading to premature gray hair. The antioxidants and polyphenols in clove water may help combat oxidative damage and maintain the natural color of your hair.

These are the ways clove water can benefit your hair. But can you start using it right away? Or does it have any side effects? No known side effects. So, go right ahead.

How to Prepare

1. Pound the clove spices lightly in a small mortar

2. Boil the spices for some amount of time.

3. Allow to cool, then sieve out the water and throw away remnant spice.

4. Pour water into a spray bottle for use.

Note that the clove water can be used alongside other hair treatment measures.

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