BBusiness/Economy Is Loan Financing The Best for Startups?byAdminJanuary 26, 2023No comments In setting up a business, various forms of resources are necessary to make the idea a successful one.…
BBusiness/Economy How Much Initial Investment in Startups is Creating Unrealistic Optimism and Too Little Sustainability byAdminOctober 20, 2022No comments Startups require capital to establish a business. Capital is the amount of initial investment plus any interest accrued…
OOpinion How Standard of Living in Africa is Making Start-ups Innovate around Disposable Income byAdminSeptember 29, 2022No comments An organization in its early phase of existence is referred to as a start-up. Entrepreneurs that desire to…
BBusiness/Economy How Startups Can Conduct Business Pitching for Solid Closing byAdminSeptember 15, 2022No comments What does pitching in business entail? In business, pitching means presenting company concepts to another person. As an…