Ndoma-Egba-led FUL Governing Council Holds Inaugural Meeting

Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba
The recently inaugurated Governing Council of the Federal University Lokoja (FUL) has held its inaugural meeting with a call by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba, on the members  to work together as a team to lift the institution to greater heights.

In his address delivered at the inaugural meeting, titled: ‘Setting The Stage: Our Shared Responsibility And Vision For The University’, Ndoma-Egba expressed profound gratitude and appreciation to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (PBAT) for the trust placed in him and the esteemed members of the Council.

He said: “Together, we are entrusted with the vital task of steering this great institution towards new heights of academic excellence and innovation.

“I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the warm welcome and the seamless transition into this new role. The commitment and dedication that I have witnessed from each of you are truly inspiring. It is a privilege to work alongside such a talented and passionate group of individuals, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to our collective vision and mission.

“As we gather here, we are reminded of the pivotal role this university plays in shaping the minds of future leaders, innovators, and thinkers. Our commitment to academic excellence, research and community engagement has never been more critical. Federal University Lokoja stands as a beacon of knowledge, a hub for research and innovation, and a nurturing ground for future leaders. As we assume our roles, we carry the collective responsibility of building on the university’s solid foundation and driving it toward greater achievements.

“We are tasked with ensuring that this institution not only meets the current needs of our students and faculty, but also anticipates the future demands of a global society. This requires us to be bold in our decisions, strategic in our planning, and unwavering in our commitment to our core values. Our vision is clear: to elevate Federal University Lokoja to an institution of international repute, known for its excellence in teaching, research and community service. This should also be rooted in collaboration, inclusivity and innovation.

“I also affirm our commitment to the Vision Plan 2021-2026, which encompasses objectives aimed at enhancing academic excellence and research capabilities, expanding infrastructure and facilities, strengthening community engagement and partnerships, and promoting sustainable practices and innovation.”

Prior to the inaugural meeting in Lokoja, Ndoma-Egba led the Council members on a courtesy visit to Kogi State governor, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo.

Represented by the Head of Service Pastor Elijah Evinemi, Governor Ododo expressed confidence in the capacity of Ndoma-Egba and other members of the Council to reposition and set the University on a trajectory of growth and development, going by their track record in public service.

The Kogi helmsman assured the FUL Governing Council of the readiness of the state government to collaborate with the university to foster the advancement of education in the state.

Ndoma-Egba commended the developmental strides of Ododo in his drive to transform Kogi, while acknowledging the support the governor and the state government have provided to FUL over the years.

He however appealed for the kind intervention and assistance of the governor in certain critical areas such as: Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for the land being currently occupied by the university; Development of Road Network; Enhancement of Physical Infrastructure; Flood and Erosion Control measures within the campus and addressing Host Community Concerns like the issue of payment of compensation promised when FUL was established, of which the institution is now being threatened with court action.

The former Senate Leader also led members of the University Council to the Palace of the Maigari of Lokoja, Alhaji Ibrahim Gambo Kabir, Maikarfi IV, where he stated that “As we step into our new roles, we are keenly aware of the importance of collaboration and partnership with the traditional institutions.

“We believe that the progress of the university is intrinsically linked with the development of Lokoja and its people. Therefore, we are committed to working closely with you, Your Majesty, and the royal council to ensure that our activities and initiatives are aligned with the cultural values and aspirations of the community.”


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